In this recording, Asif Rehmani, will share some of the proven ways in which you can make SharePoint work for You!
Is SharePoint working for you or are you working for SharePoint? Why do many end users cringe when they hear the word 'SharePoint'? It's not because SharePoint is a bad platform (quite the contrary actually), it's because of their past experiences with SharePoint.
In this session, we talk about the 5 things you can do to make your users fall in love with SharePoint and drive end user adoption of the platform!
This presentation shows you how to excite, inspire, and empower your users. We'll show you how to get your top leaders on board, because when they support SharePoint, everyone else is more likely to use it too.
We'll also talk about why you should designate SharePoint champions in your teams. These are the go-to people who really understand SharePoint and can help others get excited about using it.
One big problem we'll tackle is how scattered information can make using SharePoint tough. We'll show you how to put all your important training materials in one place so it's easy to find and use.
We've got lots of tips and tricks to make SharePoint easy and fun for your team, so everyone will want to use it as part of their daily work.